Verifiable documents and data are the future.

Accredify enables organisations to create, issue, and instantly verify tamper-proof digital documents, also known as  Accredified documents. 

Accredified documents help your business digitally transform by creating automated and streamlined processes for secure, trusted information exchange.

Benefits of Verifiable Documents

With Accredified documents, you’ll be able to instantly verify if a document is authentic.
Verification can be done via a simple QR code scan or using an online drag-and-drop verifier portal.

Has been
tampered with

Whether contents or data within the document is true-to-source or if it has been tampered with.

Has been issued by registered institution

Whether the document has been issued by an authorised and registered issuer.

Is still

Whether the document has expired or been revoked by the issuer.

How do verifiable documents work?

With the help of Accredify’s customer success team, customise digital versions of your organisation’s business documents, an individual’s identity or credentials.

Let Accredify’s customer success team know which fields of your digital documents can be edited (e.g. names) and which cannot be (e.g. company logos).

Create individual verifiable documents or an entire batch of documents by simply uploading a data sheet with inputs for all defined editable fields, set up in Step 2.

With a click, instantly issue your verifiable documents to the blockchain and distribute them to your recipients. At this stage, pre-existing approval processes can also be reflected in the process by setting user permissions, such as manager, approver, and signer permissions. 

Review your organisation’s process flows and identify critical points of information transfer. Automate these processes with the use of verifiable documents, now made possible by their tamper-proof and instantly verifiable nature which safeguards process and data integrity.

What Can We Do For You Today?

Whether you are looking to transform your business, have questions about our solution, or curious to explore new use cases with trusted digital documents, we are always happy to chat!